holiday traditions

The holiday season is special to many, often because of the time-honored traditions. There is a certain comfort in knowing what to expect and in performing the rituals every year.

There are some universal traditions, such as: decorating the tree, baking holiday cookies, lighting the menora, touring the neighborhood displays, etc.

We asked our readers to share their favorite traditions, and listed below are some of our favorites. Perhaps these are some that you share, or maybe you will get ideas for a new tradition.

“We have a wooden sleigh which is an advent calendar. We created tiny inspirational notes for each of the drawers. Everyday during the month of December we pull one out and read it to each other. These little notes serve our family in many ways but most importantly they are a cause for slowing down and reflecting on the love we share.” -Heather Costa

“My children (daughters & spouses & grandsons) have a late breakfast with us on the 25th of Dec while we open gifts. Every year for breakfast I plan a full meal with different items. The big gift for all of us is a 5-6 day get-a-way during New Years’ so we can be together.” -Frances Serantes Gomez

“Open one Christmas gift on Christmas Eve.” -Anonymous

“Getting our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving.” -Anonymous

“Traditional foods during the holidays – have the same home cooked meals.” -Anonymous

“On Christmas Eve, After church, we go to my sister’s house where all the children decorate their own cookies to leave for Santa. Even though my children are in their teenage years, they still do this every Christmas Eve and leave the cookies out for Santa to eat.” -VIcky Hucks

“Matching family Christmas Pjs.” -Julie Gasch

“Popping Christmas crackers.” -Anonymous

“Driving around with hot chocolate looking at the twinkly lights.” -Anonymous

“We give our kids a new ornament each year, when they have a home of their own they will get to take their ornaments with them.” -Anonymous

“My favorite holiday tradition is celebrating Hanukkah with my children. Each year they get gifts but they also choose toys to donate to children who are not as fortunate. I love singing with them, making latkes, and decorating Hanukkah cookies. On Christmas Eve we always eat Chinese food and watch movies together!” -Elyssa Bloom

Wishing joy to you and yours!