Taking better care of ourselves can require a bit of creativity. Investing in the food we eat, how we stay active, and even the air we breathe helps us stay rooted in the present while envisioning a hopeful future.
Here’s are some things that may be trending in health and wellness in 2024:
Virtual fitness
Virtual fitness is here to stay. Virtual fitness options are typically offered at a lower price point and require no commute time. It’s now possible to try any workout type from studios all over the world—from the comfort and safety of our own living room!
Wearable health tech
If you’re looking to track your activities and monitor your health, you might want to get a smartwatch. Whether you lead an active lifestyle, have health concerns, or just want a stylish timepiece with some extra smarts, there is now a variety of smartwatches to choose from that should have something for you.
Talk (and walk) therapy
Telehealth will continue to be a very viable and safe way to deliver therapy services, however, many therapists and clients miss seeing each other in person. With walk-and-talk therapy, clients and therapists are moving together in nature and feeling connected.
Upcycling food
Food insecurity is the worst it’s been in years, which has been a wake-up call to many of us when it comes to how we consume food. With the amount of time we have been spending at home, we are starting to realize that we waste about 40% of our food. Upcycling our food, by using veggie peels to make chips, sautéing plant parts with garlic, replanting fruit and vegetable seeds in your garden, and buying local to help decrease the chances of food being tossed because of issues with transport or because of physical flaws.
Smart air purifiers
At-home air purifier have been proven effective against influenza, measles, and even SARS because they can extract airborne particles and are useful in preventing seasonal allergies and asthma. By removing contaminants, trapping airborne particles, and slowing the rate of dust accumulation, air purifiers can help our homes stay cleaner, longer, and can also add moisture to the environment.
PEA and postbiotics
Some doctors and scientists are predicting that Palmitoylethanolamide, or PEA, will be used as a protective means against colds, flu, and other viruses. The reason being that PEA is an endocannabinoid-like molecule that our body produces that has more science behind it than CBD or THC. Postbiotics, are byproducts of the fermentation process carried out by probiotics in the intestine, they are responsible for many important health-boosting functions in our gut.
Distant reiki healing sessions
Reiki itself is not a new wellness practice, but we may begin to see a spike in its practice. Since reiki masters are trained to send healing to clients wherever they are located, since energy is not confined to a specific space or time, and can be sent anywhere. Distant reiki sessions can help us release fear and tension while also helping to rebalance stagnant energy, which is ideal when we’re feeling stuck.
Metaphysical guidance
Astrology, tarot, crystals—expect to see enthusiasm for all things metaphysical in the coming months. More and more, we are starting to look inward as an opportunity to grow, and want to learn how to connect for ourselves. This new world we are living in has people realizing that we should get to choose how we want to live in this world. Which means letting go of what we’ve been told we ‘should’ do, and instead, choosing to live our life from what our heart wants.
In-home services
As more people abandon their office buildings for home offices, so do some service providers. From chiropractors, physical therapists, and even IV fluid treatments, house calls are having a resurgence.
Ozempic and related weight loss drugs
Medications like Ozempic are still gaining popularity for weight loss. The drugs usage skyrocketed in 2023 and the trend is expected to continue in 2024. They helped patients shed significant weight, despite hefty pricetags and sometimes unpleasant side effects.
Intermittent fasting
A popular practice for health and weight management is intermittent fasting. The method involves restricting your calorie intake for a specific period, focusing on the timing of your meals rather than the types of foods consumed. There are different methods, such as the 16:8, 5:2, and alternate-day fasting
Ancestral lifestyles
Embracing lifestyle choices inspired by ancestral practices. Eating a diverse diet of real foods, moving often, spending time in nature and sunlight, and giving your body and mind time to reset.
Although it’s fun to know what’s on trend, the most important thing is that you pick whatever works best for your lifestyle, and always check with your doctor.